Thank you for shopping at Please review our policies regarding refunds and returns below:


  • Orders can be canceled or shipping addresses changed before the products are dispatched. Once the product has been shipped, refunds or address changes are not possible.

Defective Product

  • If you receive a defective product, please provide proof by contacting us. After verification, we can send you a replacement. Please note that we do not offer refunds for any devices once the order has been shipped.


  • We do not accept returns on our devices. In case you receive a defective product, please contact us with proof, and we will arrange for a replacement. Refunds are not available for devices after they have been shipped.

Missing Order

  • If your order goes missing during shipping, please reach out to us. After verification, we will send you a new order promptly.

We strive to provide quality products and excellent service. If you have any questions or concerns regarding refunds or returns, please feel free to contact us.